CLI Options#
The following is the usage of C2PO:
usage: [-h] [--trace TRACE] [--map MAP] [-q] [--debug [DEBUG]] [--stats] [--impl {c,cpp,vhdl}] [-o OUTPUT] [--int-width INT_WIDTH]
[--int-signed] [--float-width FLOAT_WIDTH] [--mission-time MISSION_TIME] [--endian {native,network,big,little}] [-at] [-bz] [-p] [-tc]
[-c] [-dc] [-dr] [--extops] [-nnf] [-bnf] [-eq] [-sat] [--timeout-eqsat TIMEOUT_EQSAT] [--timeout-sat TIMEOUT_SAT]
[--write-c2po [WRITE_C2PO]] [--write-mltl [WRITE_MLTL]] [--write-prefix [WRITE_PREFIX]] [--write-pickle [WRITE_PICKLE]]
[--write-smt [WRITE_SMT]] [--copyback COPYBACK]
Positional Arguments:#
mltl file where mltl formula are stored
Optional Arguments:#
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--trace TRACE CSV file where variable names are mapped to signal order using file header
--map MAP map file where variable names are mapped to signal order
-q, --quiet disable output
--debug [DEBUG] set debug level (0=none, 1=basic, 2=extra)
--stats enable stat output
--impl {c,cpp,vhdl} specifies target R2U2 implementation version (default: c)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
specifies location where specification binary will be written
--int-width INT_WIDTH
specifies bit width for integer types (default: 32)
--int-signed specifies signedness of int types (default: true)
--float-width FLOAT_WIDTH
specifies bit width for floating point types (default: 32)
--mission-time MISSION_TIME
specifies mission time, overriding inference from a trace file, if present
--endian {native,network,big,little}
Specifies byte-order of spec file (default: little)
-at, --atomic-checkers
enable atomic checkers
-bz, --booleanizer enable booleanizer
-p, --parse only run the parser
-tc, --type-check only run the parser and type checker
-c, --compile only run the parser, type checker, and passes
-dc, --disable-cse disable CSE optimization
-dr, --disable-rewrite
disable MLTL rewrite rule optimizations
--extops enable extended operations
-nnf enable negation normal form
-bnf enable boolean normal form
-eq, --eqsat enable equality saturation
-sat, --check-sat enable satisfiability checking of future-time formulas
--timeout-eqsat TIMEOUT_EQSAT
set the timeout of equality saturation calls in seconds (default: 3600)
--timeout-sat TIMEOUT_SAT
set the timeout of sat calls in seconds (default: 3600)
--write-c2po [WRITE_C2PO]
write final program in C2PO input format
--write-mltl [WRITE_MLTL]
write final program in MLTL standard format
--write-prefix [WRITE_PREFIX]
write final program in prefix notation
--write-pickle [WRITE_PICKLE]
pickle the final program
--write-smt [WRITE_SMT]
write SMT SAT encoding of FT formulas
--copyback COPYBACK name of directory to copy workdir contents to upon termination