Assume-Guarantee Contract Example

Assume-Guarantee Contract Example#

For this example, we’ll be using the following input file (agc.c2po):

    b0,b1: bool;

    contract: b0 => b1;

Notice that we have a formula labeled contract with a formula that uses the => operator. The => denotes a assume-guarantee contract, which means that R2U2 will report whether the expression is true, false, or inactive. The contract is true if both the left and right sides of the => are true, false if the left side is true and right side is false, and inactive otherwise (if the left side is false). Notice that the output of a => operator is three-value: this means that it can only ever be the top-level operator of a formula. So if we had a third variable b2, the formula (b0 => b1) && b2 would not be valid.

We’ll use the following CSV file as simulated input (agc.csv):

# b0,b1

Then compile the specification using C2PO:

python compiler/ agc.c2po agc.csv

And finally run using R2U2:

./monitors/static/build/r2u2 spec.bin agc.csv