R2U2 Front End Selection

R2U2 Front End Selection#

R2U2 supports two different engines for reasoning about non-Boolean data: Atomic Checkers and the Booleanizer. Atomic checkers are more restricted in their syntax and are supported for both the hardware and software versions of R2U2. The Booleanizer is a general purpose engine only supported in the static version of R2U2 and is generally more memory- and time-intensive.

If your specification only has inputs of type bool, then neither engine is necessary.


The Booleanizer is a general purpose engine that can perform arithmetic, bitwise operations, parameterized set aggregation (foratleast, etc.), and other such capabilities.

Atomic Checkers#

Atomic checkers are the relational expression. They allow for the filtering of signals and then comparing the output of that signal to a constant or other signal. This is particularly useful in hardware, but is available in the software version of R2U2 as well.

Available Filters:#

  • rate: (float) -> float

    • Rate of change between time steps

  • movavg: (float,int) -> float

    • Moving average with window size int (max window size is 5 by default)

  • abs_diff_angle: (float,float) -> float

    • Absolute difference between the arguments if both treated as angles.