Simple Example

Simple Example#

Let’s start with a very simple example with a single temporal formula with a single Boolean variable. This is the C2PO file named simple.c2po we’ll be working with:

    a0,a1: bool;

    F[0,2] (a0 && a1);

Note that we first declare a0 to be an input with type bool, then define a specification that states that a0 will be true at least once between “now” and 2 timestamps from “now.” Note that “now” is a moving window – we’ll see this after we monitor our simulated trace, in a file named simple.csv:

# a0,a1

This trace is a csv file where the first line is a header (denoted by the # first character) that lists the input variables used in the specification. Each following line defines the values of each input for each timestamp. For example, a0 is true and a1 is false at timestamp 4 (since timestamps are indexed starting at 0).

We can then compile our specification using the following command:

python compiler/ --booleanizer simple.mltl --trace simple.csv

The --booleanizer flag enables the Booleanizer engine, which computes non-Boolean operations (for example, addition, multiplication, comparisons, etc.). This command will generate a file named spec.bin that is a binary encoding of the specification for r2u2.

Now we can monitor our trace using r2u2:

./monitors/static/build/r2u2 spec.bin simple.csv